My midwives do not routinely do the 1 hour glucose screen for gestational diabetes. I couldn't be happier. I think it was routine at HCMC and I hated pretty much every second of that entire hour plus some. I felt dizzy and gross and couldn't believe what had just done to my body. Then I was sure I would fail it, because I felt like crap, but I passed. I swore I would never drink that crap ever again, which is BRIGHT orange and tastes horrible.
Doing more digging I don't even think I even have any risk factors for gestational diabetes. I'm young, I'm not over-weight, only late-onset type 2 diabetes runs in my family, and only to over-weight members of it. I gained 55 pounds last pregnancy and was totally fine, and I'm gaining slightly less this time around. I'm also starting this pregnancy 7 pound lighter and I beleive with less fat and more muscle mass. Generally I'm a bit healthier than I was last time.
And I also found out that if you fail the 1 hour test, you do a 3 hour test, good god, that sounds awful. The one-hour test isn't even a diagnostic, it's just a screening. And there don't even seem to be very straight-foward guidelines for diagnosing GD anyway. And I can tell you from experience that ultrasounds are total crap at telling you how big your baby is. I was told I was having a ginormous 97th percentile baby! They were wrong.
So, I'm not going to do it. Late pregnancy makes me pretty adverse to sugar anyway. I feel sick easily from it. It's just another part of digestion that is all messed up while pregnant for me. Fatty foods give me heartburn, I crave dairy like crazy, hate meat, and can't eat much sugar if I don't want to regret it.
Just mark this under a long list of things I wish I knew last pregnancy. We're also not checking my urine every single visit, because it turns out that might not be very indicative of anything either. I still need to decide on the GBS test. I will probably do the same prevention method I did last time, get the test, but probably won't do anything much different if it's positive, unless my water breaks well before labor starts.
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