After Cedric was born I swore to everyone that NOTHING would be growing in my uterus for TWO YEARS MINIMUM.
Well I almost made it, about 5 weeks before Cedric turned two we conceived our second pregnancy, on purpose. Something came over me in late March and I told Brent that I NEEDED another baby, NOW. Luckily we have no trouble conceiving babies. We are two for two in months of trying to conceive. We are blessed, or have impeccable timing. We are also healthy and young(ish?), so that helps too.
So far this pregnancy is better than the firs time around. No heartburn yet, last pregnancy I had tons of heartburn in trimester 1 and 2, and then strangely it let up in trimester 3. Nausea is present, but not 24/7 like it was last time. I actually feel my best in the morning and then if I'm going to feel crappy I'll feel crappiest in the afternoon.
Last time I only felt good when I was eating, so I ate... constantly, and gained about 2 pounds per week the nausea was here. This time, when I'm nauseated, I feel like avoiding everything, nothing sounds good, and unfortunately the only things that end up feeling good to eat so far is ginger ale or strangely, soy protein bars, which are also full of sugar. But when I feel good, I can eat anything, so I'll get those veggies and meat and dairy in. This is temporary, but it sucks, but sucks less than last time, so... yay?
I ran the 5K two days after finding out I was pregnant, it didn't seem to slow me down, I went on a huge hike at 6 weeks pregnant, and then spent week 7 mostly laying around, but I did get exercise today. I feel better if I get out and do something, but the fatigue is so bad, that I have little motivation to get out and do anything, but I'm trying, I plan on keeping my exercise dates up as long as I can, so at least twice a week, I should make it out for a run. I run a lot less though, my body just feels different and way more tired and my legs hurt way more.
I gained about 12 pounds the first 1st trimester I had, so my goal is to gain less than 9 pounds this 1st trimester, cutting my weight gain by 25% would be great. I gained 55 pounds last pregnancy and I sure hope I don't do that again. I'm aiming for 40 pounds or less. Unless we have twins or something crazy like that.
I'm starting this pregnancy about 7 pounds lighter, which is great.
I have zero breast changes, except that they never feel full with milk anymore. I'm guessing the lack of change is because I'm already breastfeeding. They don't hurt and they haven't grown at all, it's miraculous to me, I gained 5 inches in my bust last pregnancy, I thought it sucked. I was already starting with Ds!
Breastfeeding does hurt a little, when he first latches on, but not enough to make me stop yet. And, yes, breastfeeding is safe during pregnancy. I'm ambivalent about nursing all the way through and/or tandem nursing later, I have a feeling my son will decide ultimately. I hear about 2/3 of kids will wean during pregnancy. And I have a sneaking suspicion mine would be one of the 1/3 that keeps on trucking all the way through.
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