Thursday, January 27, 2011

Strange pregnancy things for me

I've read a lot about the symptoms of pregnancy, mostly I have learned that anything goes.  Everyone is different.  But here is my list of cool or annoying things or things other people talk about that I haven't had yet.

1. No constipation yet!  This is great.  I know I still have a good four months to go, but I've already made it more than halfway without feeling too icky in the bowels.  My digestive track has slowed way down and sometimes I'll have a few days with little movement, but then it will all get caught up in the following couple days.  In more icky terms, sometimes I won't poo for two days, but then poo three to four times a day for two days, then have regular poos for a few weeks.  Really, very few complaints on my end as far as bowels go. 

2.  My skin is so clear!  It's not perfectly clear, but I'm someone who still gets a decent amount of acne, I slathered on the acne medication weeks before the wedding, hoping for some clear skin, and I mostly got it, but now I get my mostly clear skin by doing... nothing.  I literally do nothing, I haven't washed my face in five months.  Acne medication is theorized to be bad for a fetus, so I should be skipping it anyway, but the fact that I have clear skin sure helps the decision.

3. My hair is so dry!  On the other end I think my hair is worse, but it might just be the dryer skin mixing with the dry air making my hair more dry and fly-away.  I'm also really not temped at this time to spend money on hair cuts and coloring, so I've cut my own bangs once and that's about it.  At some point I might break down and hire a pro to cut my hair, but until then, you'll see more blah hair or ponytails. 

4.  OMG Heartburn!  Heartburn started for me a week or two after conception.  I'll go a day without it, but if I eat anything remotely spicy or greasy or if I eat too much at once or drink to quickly or not enough, or it's been a while since I ate, I get heartburn.  And I love spicy food too much to give it up entirely yet.  I have learned that doughnuts will hurt for a good hour afterward, so I'm going to skip those for now. 

5.  Weight gain is not steady!  So far I've packed on the most weight in month 2 (because I only felt good when I ate) and month 4.  Actually I think it was week 14 that I shot up 7 pounds.  Most weeks I gain the recommended one pound a week, but sometimes there are spikes for no reason.  Two weeks ago my scale ran out of batteries and we have neglected to change them, so the weigh in at the clinic next week will be as much of a surprise to the nurse as I.  Overall I think I'm looking to gain about 40 to 50 pounds.  I once heard of a woman who gained 60 pounds, but only had 15 left of it after the birth, so big drops are possible at birth, I can root for that, but I have a feeling I've gained more fat than baby and amniotic fluids at this point.

6.  I've felt more calm than crazy!  I've had my crazy moments, like when I was eating dinner at the Midtown Global Market and a very thin women who was about as pregnant as I walked by and all I could do was cry.  I held it in until I got to the bathroom, then I cried all the way to the car and for some of the journey to the grocery store.  But for the most part I've felt a sense of calm and well being, even a little high on the hormones.  Sometimes I feel like nothing would phase me.  Almost like I've been doped with some kind of mild Benzo.  This makes me more forgetful and day-dreamy.

7.  No specific cravings yet!  My first trimester I craved any and all food as long as it was edible.  I had a few aversions to things without much calories (like vegetables).  But now I'm definitely more hungry, but I can eat whatever I want and I don't feel a strong pull towards things.  However, I have fallen pray to the feelings of, "I'm pregnant, I can have a second or third cookie!"  I've been doing better with that, but sometimes the hunger is strong and if there are cookies around the office, they will soon be in my belly.  I've been trying to bring healthy snacks like apples and oranges and hummus and pita bread to eat instead, it works sometimes.

I have quite a few weeks left for things to change, but over-all I'd say trimester two is a piece of cake.

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