Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is that a baby moving around inside of me?

I think I can feel it!  I'm 90% sure that I am feeling our little peanut kick, elbow, jab, and wiggle around.  I'm 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant, so it's getting to be prime baby feeling time.  Could just be the uterus stretching, but this feels more localized.  It could also be gas or my digestive tract doing something, but it feels very uterine.  I have a good idea where my uterus is because I can feel it very well when I'm having a contraction.

Yes, you have contractions before labor starts, actually you have them before getting pregnant, your uterus contracts all the time, it's just that you can't feel it until you are pregnant.  I think I felt my first contraction about two months into the pregnancy.  This might be too much info for a lot of you, but my contractions all happen after orgasm.  Until a couple nights ago, I felt one while in bed, it just happened randomly.  It was a little disconcerting, but it stopped and there were no others.  Random contraction... ok.

They don't hurt either.  It just feels like a squeeze, no pain.  I'm going to assume this is normal, and they probably get stronger and more painful later on. 

So anyway, this means I know where my uterus is, and something was kicking the walls of my uterus, sometimes painfully, sometimes not.  And I think sometimes it hit my bladder too.  I think we can rule out any kind of intelligent design when you realize that the uterus sits directly on top of the bladder during pregnancy.  I can already feel this.  As soon as I stand up, I feel the need to pee.  My bladder is compressed and will only get more compressed as the weeks go on.  At the same time, since about Day 1, my thirst has doubled; so not only do I have a smaller bladder, I have to drink more fluids.  This means peeing all the time.  Especially if I am on my feet.  I can ignore it a bit longer if I am sitting. 

A few days ago, after months of feeling like I have a baby girl growing inside of me, I was convinced that I was having a boy.  How can my intuition change like that all of a sudden?  My only thought is that I think fetuses all start as "girls" and then the boys eventually have their scrotum sewn up and a penis forms and testes descend.  So maybe I was feeling "girl" because it wasn't quite differentiated as a "boy" yet, but now that all the sex parts are in place I can sense it's "boyness."

I wouldn't have believed anyone could sense their fetuses gender before I got pregnant myself.  But soon after getting knocked up, I just had this sense.  Maybe it's because it's so hard to think about a person without assigning it some kind of gender.

Maybe my mind switched because we will have our big ultrasound in the next month or so and I'm second guessing myself so that I predict that I'm having a girl and a boy and therefor can't be wrong.  Or maybe it's because I have a slight preference for having a girl, so I don't want to be too disappointed, so now I'm switching to boy to try to prepare myself.  Either way it's all mostly subconscious.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if psychic vibes worked, Aaron would have been a girl, no question. Me? I have no preference. :P But seriously, I wonder if people do guess better than chance what sort of genitals their baby has? Are the hormones different enough that you would notice them? I may be a jerk, but it seems like it would be too minor a part of the biology to really notice. Sure, everyone has feelings about it, but I would chalk that up to psychological factors.

    But I'm also not the pregnant one. Just the one that breaks into your house. Tee-hee!
