Holy crap what an ugly couple of weeks! The measles outbreak brought the anti-vaccination movement out into the spot light. I was so not wanting this right now, but it was kind of forced onto me by current events. The anti-vaccine movement has been a thorn in my side for a while now. I've mostly been able to ignore it and pretend it doesn't effect me. Well, the outbreak changed all that and I had to fight back, which I didn't want to do, I wanted to stay with my head in the sand, dammit!
I've mostly been on the "we're pissed off and you are the people pissing us off with your junk science" side of things. I am extremely pissed off at this movement. I think it is a dangerous movement. And unfortunately is a movement a lot of folks in the attachment parenting community have joined. Before now I've just kind of tried to not talk about it when I learn people don't vaccinate. Pretty much I've just tried to pretend I didn't know that about the other person so that I could have a decent interaction with them.
The anti-vaccine movement give me a visceral anger. It goes against my most deeply held beliefs. Mostly the belief that we have an obligation to protect those who are most vulnerable. I think when you don't vaccinate your kids for no good reason you are putting those who are most vulnerable at risk. This fact makes me very angry with you. I have a friend whose daughter had a heart transplant at 8 months of age. Her immune system is compromised, she also can't have every vaccine because of this. This movement puts her life at risk. I know other people who also have compromised immune systems or other disorders that make them more vulnerable to diseases.
There are also babies too young for vaccines and whose immune systems are still being formed, and the elderly whose immune systems are wearing out. Herd immunity is a real thing, despite the anti-vaccine movements denial about this. You getting vaccinated helps protect these people. You NOT getting vaccinated puts these people's lives at risk. This is a fact that is irrefutable.
Maybe you can understand my anger more when you understand that I strongly believe what you are doing causes harm to society in general.
There are some voices out there that are trying to tell us not to be angry. That we should just accept this and move on. I can't move on. This is not an issue I'm just going to let go of. I also think the anti-vaccine movement helps to discredit the attachment parenting community. Which also pisses me off greatly. Because the nuts and bolts of attachment parenting are so very important to me. The community is important to me, but not over this. I think the leaders of API should come out in full support of vaccines. I think it would help API to do this. Most people vaccinate. Science is firmly established on the safety and importance of vaccines as a way to protect babies and children from death.
I'm lucky that I have children who can be around unvaccinated children. I know children who cannot do this. Had this outbreak happened when my kids were younger, it might have changed my mind. I might not have brought my baby to any play dates with unvaccinated children. These are real decisions that parents have to make, even parents who love attachment parenting. They have to not be involved and pick and choose who their child plays with based on vaccination alone. And I have met way too many in the local AP community that admit to not vaccinating. A scary high number.
And, sorry, I can't have a balanced argument with the antivaxxers when they deny the facts. I have found myself unable to have a real conversation because I can't really argue with someone who doesn't believe in herd immunity. That ends the conversation right there. If you don't believe in it and I do, there is no where else to go. Herd immunity is the entire reason I vaccinate my kids and think you should too. There is nothing more to really talk about except to reiterate that herd immunity is, in fact, a real thing.
I guess all we can do is agree to disagree, but know that I think you are harming society. I can be civil, but I am not going to be able to get close to anyone who I am that angry with. It just goes against some of my most deeply held beliefs. I'd feel the same way if you were anti-abortion, or pro-corporal punishment, or anti-evolution. Shouldn't you feel the same way if you honestly believe I am injecting my kids with toxins that are harming their immune system? Maybe you do.