Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Headaches: Right On Schedule.

I get bad headaches during pregnancy, but only around the fourth month of pregnancy.  I got my first migraine at 12 weeks this time, and they've kept coming for the last two weeks.  If it's anything like last time, I'll have a few weeks left of this, then the headaches will mysteriously disappear and I'll be almost 100% headache free until birth, then I'll have a mild resurgence, and then by 3-4 months post partum they will disappear again for a long time. 

Nothing gets rid of them. 

I start with Advil, later add Tylenol, I add caffeine if it isn't too late in the day.  I sometimes take more Advil, if it's been long enough, but usually I've given up on pills by that point.  I'm stretching my neck, massaging my neck and head, I'm putting cold packs on my head. 

I took a nap this morning and it got rid of my headache, but it returned within 20 mins of waking up.  My current headache started last night at about 7 pm.  It's 3 pm now, and besides the short break from it when I first woke up in the morning and when I woke up from the nap, it's been going steady.  I can kind of function.  I feel like crap, I've spent a lot of the time laying down.  Eventually I have to get up.  And I will admit it's not severe, but it's moderate and relentless, and gives me slight nausea and makes me dizzy.  It would be hard to go out and enjoy myself. 

I've also started to wonder at what point does the amount of Advil and Tylenol and caffeine you consume equivalent to smoking some weed?  I've got to have hit the point where marijuana would have been safer, right?  I really don't know, and I don't think marijuana has actually been tested much in pregnancy, but I do know it is used for chronic pain, and I've got chronic pain. 

If this kid ever asks me why I took pain meds when I was pregnant with them, I'll just have to tell them that the pain was greater and more relentless than my ability to cope with it.  Even Tylenol during pregnancy is linked to an increase in allergies.  I'm not deluding myself into thinking that anything I'm putting into my body is 100% safe, because nothing is 100% safe. 

But I need something or I'm going to be a miserable person and a pretty absent mother for the next month.  I've already been a pretty shitacular mother for the last two months due to relentless nausea.  And I'm due to creep back in to shitacular land by December and stay there for several months.  I'm trying to reduce the shitty time. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Seriously, screw the first trimester.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant today, which means I'm into my second trimester finally.  The nausea is down quite a bit, but not totally gone.  I don't notice an energy change, but there is hope.  The really bad part should be behind me. 

Screw that.  Good riddance to that awful 1st trimester.  For me it goes something like this:

Week 3-5:  Cry a lot and not feel like myself.
Week 6: Start to feel like self again and less cry-y.
Week 6-12:  Feel hung over for 6 weeks straight.

Of course, historically, what is next to come is:

Week 13-17: Have month-long migraine. 


Week 18: Start leaking pee.

But NOTHING is more awful that nausea.  If my pregnancies were unwanted, week 6 is when I would have ended both of them without any thought.  Perhaps the nausea is to make me double check that I want another child. 

And nothing gets rid of it completely for me.  I even took Zofram.  Fuck you Zofram, you barely did anything.  Right now I feel 100% convinced that this will be our last kid, no way will I put myself through another pregnancy. 

Last pregnancy I never really reached a point of liking the pregnancy.  It was always in the way and causing me some kind of problem.  I did not bond with my fetus very much at all.  I just wanted to get it over with.  I was hoping for this time to be different, but so far, not so much. 

January can't get here fast enough.  Even with how hard last post partum was, at least my body wasn't being invaded by an alien creature controlling every aspect of my body.  I had my body back and saw good changes happening to it quickly. Plus I could take a shit load of Advil, no problems. 

On a good note, I actually do have less symptoms this time, no heartburn yet, and very little bowel trouble.  I do feel dizzy this pregnancy, though, which is kind of annoying, that one is new this time around. 

And I know I should be grateful for what appears to be another low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancy.  But it's hard to do when you feel like crap for a month and a half. 

In a couple weeks I'm seeing a neurologist for what will probably be a "please give me narcs" appointment.  But maybe he'll have a prophylactic that will work for migraines too.  I got my first migraine with the strange aura yesterday.  I only get auras during pregnancy and post partum.  And only during the fourth month of pregnancy too, so weird.  No one can explain that to me either. 

I hate the lack of explanation.  With how many people have migraines in this country, you'd think they'd know this stuff.