My little boy turns 2 tomorrow, so it is safe to say that I met my goal of breastfeeding for two years. Also my son shows no signs of slowing down at all.
Someone told me when I was pregnant that nursing a two year old is like twice a day... this is not my reality at all. I constantly have to tell me son that boobies are taking a break or that boobies went to bed. I'm pretty sure he would nurse all day long still if I let him. I'm pretty sure he would give up most solids and be content to continue to live mostly on breast milk for a long time.
It's slowed down a bit and he finally will eat a good amount of solids sometimes. But I'd say most of his calories were still coming from nursing when he was 15 months and then there has been a slow decrease since then.
But, OMG, nurse your toddlers. The reason I have kept it up is because the benefits still well out weigh the negatives. Nursing is an instant cure for pretty much everything. It gets rid of any upset or pain almost immediately. I don't know what you non-nursing mothers of toddlers do. Booby fixes it all in the mind of a toddler. And it's still very relaxing for me. I swear it's the reason my migraines really haven't come back yet.
So I'm really on the fence about stopping. And I know my son's answer is NO. Weaning would be a huge, stressful event for us, and I don't have a good reason to do it yet, so there are no plans. I also had a pretty bad anxiety/depression episode when I simply weaned off the pump at 14 months, so I'm not really looking forward to that.
Plus breast milk is still the top of the top when it comes to good nutrition.
Breastfeeding this second year of life reduced my chance of breast cancer by 50% I believe. So that's just the icing on the cake.